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Woodley, M. A., Figueredo, A. J., Dunkel, C. S., & Madison, G. (2015). Estimating the strength of genetic selection against heritable g in a sample of 3520 Americans, sourced from MIDUS II. Personality and Individual Differences, 86, 266-270.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1016/j.paid.2015.05.032
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Woods, S. B., Hiefner, A., Roberson, P. N. E., Zahra, N., Arnold, E. M., & Udezi, V. (2022). Depressed mood and environmental mastery as potential pathways linking family relationship quality and disease self-management for African Americans with hypertension. Family Process, Article e12789.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1111/famp.12789
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Woods, S. B., Priest, J. B., & Roberson, P. N. E. (2020). Family versus intimate partners: Estimating who matters more for health in a 20-year longitudinal study. Journal of Family Psychology, 34(2), 247-256.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1037/fam0000600
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Woods, S. B., Priest, J. B., Kuhn, V., & Signs, T. (2019). Close relationships as a contributor to chronic pain pathogenesis: Predicting pain etiology and persistence. Social Science & Medicine, 237, Article 112452.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1016/j.socscimed.2019.112452
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Woods, S. B., Roberson, P. N. E., & Abdelkhaleq, H. (2023). Family strain, but not family support, is linked to worse pain interference among midlife adults reporting new chronic pain. Families, Systems & Health, 41(4), 467-477.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1037/fsh0000825
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Woods, S. B., Roberson, P. N. E., & Priest, J. B. (2020). Family emotional climate and health: Testing conveyance of effects via psychobiological mediators. Personal Relationships, 27(3), 674-707.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1111/pere.12337
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Woods, S. B., Roberson, P. N. E., Booker, Q., Wood, B., & Booker, S. (2024). Longitudinal associations of family relationship quality with chronic pain incidence and persistence among aging African Americans. Journals of Gerontology. Series B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences. Advance online publication.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1093/geronb/gbae064
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Woods, S. B., Strenth, C., Day, P., Tsewang, T., Aparicio, K., Ross, K., Ventimiglia, J., & Jetpuri, Z. (2023). Relational and individual stress pathways linking discrimination and aging cardiometabolic health. Stress and Health, 39(1), 35-47.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1002/smi.3166
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Wright, A. J., & Jackson, J. J. (2023). Do changes in personality predict life outcomes? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 125(6), 1495-1518.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1037/pspp0000472
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Wrosch, C., Heckhausen, J., & Lachman, M. E. (2000). Primary and secondary control strategies for managing health and financial stress across adulthood. Psychology & Aging, 15(3), 387-399.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1037/0882-7974.15.3.387
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Wrosch, C., Heckhausen, J., & Lachman, M. E. (2006). Goal management across adulthood and old age: The adaptive value of primary and secondary control. In D. Mroczek & T. D. Little (Eds.), Handbook of personality development (pp. 399-422). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Ehrlbaum Associates.

Xiao, Y., & Brown, T. T. (2022). The effect of social network strain on suicidal ideation among middle-aged adults with adverse childhood experiences in the US: A twelve-year nationwide study. SSM - Population Health, 18, Article 101120.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1016/j.ssmph.2022.101120
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Xiao, Y., & Brown, T. T. (2023). Moving suicide prevention upstream by understanding the effect of flourishing on suicidal ideation in midlife: An instrumental variable approach. Scientific Reports, 13(1), Article 1320.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1038/s41598-023-28568-2
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Xie, Z., Li, C., Xing, Z., Zhou, W., Xie, S., Li, M., & Zhou, Y. (2021). Relationship between serum fibrinogen level and depressive symptoms in an adult population with spinal cord injury: A cross-sectional study. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 17, 2191-2198.
View publication via DOI: DOI:doi.org/10.2147/NDT.S311473
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Xing Toh, W., Su-May Tan, T., & Sheng Keh, J. (2021). Lead us not into temptation: Differential associations of religious identification with self-regulatory traits and abilities. Journal of Research in Personality, 94, Article 104143.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1016/j.jrp.2021.104143
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Xu, Y., & Liu, A. (2021). Elevated perceived stress scale (PSS) scores are associated with increased risk of poor sleep assessed by global PSQI scores: Cancer and hypnotics-stratified analysis in an adult population-based study. Sleep and Biological Rhythms, 19, 361-368.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1007/s41105-021-00325-w
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Yamada, Y., Buehring, B., Krueger, D., Anderson, R. M., Schoeller, D. A., & Binkley, N. (2017). Electrical properties assessed by bioelectrical impedance spectroscopy as biomarkers of age-related loss of skeletal muscle quantity and quality. Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 72(9), 1180-1186.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1093/gerona/glw225
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Yamagata, S., & Takahashi, Y. (2020). Moderating effects of religiosity in the genetic and environmental etiology of the Big Five personality traits in adulthood. Psychologia, 62(1), 77-89.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.2117/psysoc.2020-B006
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Yamaguchi, A., Kim, M.-S., Akutsu, S., & Oshio, A. (2015). Effects of anger regulation and social anxiety on perceived stress. Health Psychology Open, 2(2), Article 2055102915601583.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1177/2055102915601583
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Yamaguchi, A., Kim, M.-S., Oshio, A., & Akutsu, S. (2016). Relationship between bicultural identity and psychological well-being among American and Japanese older adults. Health Psychology Open, 3(1), Article 2055102916650093.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1177/2055102916650093
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Yamaguchi, A., Kim, M.-S., Oshio, A., & Akutsu, S. (2017). The role of anger regulation on perceived stress status and physical health. Personality and Individual Differences, 116, 240-245.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1016/j.paid.2017.03.053
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Yang, H., Hurwitz, E. L., Li, J., de Luca, K., Tavares, P., Green, B., & Haldeman, S. (2023). Bidirectional comorbid associations between back pain and major depression in US adults. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(5), Article 4217.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.3390/ijerph20054217
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Yang, Y. C., Boen, C., Gerken, K., Li, T., Schorpp, K., & Harris, K. M. (2016). Social relationships and physiological determinants of longevity across the human life span. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(3), 578-583.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1073/pnas.1511085112
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Yang, Y. C., Gerken, K., Schorpp, K., Boen, C., & Harris, K. M. (2017). Early-life socioeconomic status and adult physiological functioning: A life course examination of biosocial mechanisms. Biodemography and Social Biology, 63(2), 87-103.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1080/19485565.2017.1279536
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Yang, Y. C., Schorpp, K., & Harris, K. M. (2014). Social support, social strain and inflammation: Evidence from a national longitudinal study of U.S. Adults. Social Science & Medicine, 107, 124-135.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1016/j.socscimed.2014.02.013
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Yang, Y. C., Schorpp, K., Boen, C., Johnson, M., & Mullan Harris, K. (2020). Socioeconomic status and biological risks for health and illness across the life course. Journals of Gerontology. Series B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 75(6), 613-624.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1093/geronb/gby108
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Yang, Y. C., Walsh, C. E., Johnson, M. P., Belsky, D. W., Reason, M., Curran, P., Aiello, A. E., Chanti-Ketterl, M., & Harris, K. M. (2021). Life-course trajectories of body mass index from adolescence to old age: Racial and educational disparities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(17), Article e2020167118.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1073/pnas.2020167118
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Yang, Y. C., Walsh, C. E., Shartle, K., Stebbins, R. C., Aiello, A. E., Belsky, D. W., Harris, K. M., Chanti-Ketterl, M., & Plassman, B. L. (2024). An early and unequal decline: Life course trajectories of cognitive aging in the United States. Journal of Aging and Health, 36(3-4), 230-245.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1177/08982643231184593
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Yang, Y., Cuffee, Y. L., Aumiller, B. B., Schmitz, K., Almeida, D. M., & Chinchilli, V. M. (2022). Serial mediation roles of perceived stress and depressive symptoms in the association between sleep quality and life satisfaction among middle-aged American adults. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, Article 822564.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.3389/fpsyg.2022.822564
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Yao Lin, X., & Lachman, M. E. (2022). Associations between social media use, physical activity, and emotional well-being from the Midlife in the United States refresher daily diary study. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 30(5), 778-787.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1123/japa.2021-0267
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