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Savla, J., Zarit, S. H., & Almeida, D. M. (2018). Routine support to parents and stressors in everyday domains: Associations with negative affect and cortisol. Journals of Gerontology. Series B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 73(3), 437-446.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1093/geronb/gbx033
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Sbarra, D. A. (2016). Social integration and sleep disturbance: A gene-environment interaction study. Collabra, 2(1), Art. 3, pp 1-10.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1525/collabra.29
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Sbarra, D. A., Emery, R. E., Beam, C. R., & Ocker, B. L. (2014). Marital dissolution and major depression in midlife: A propensity score analysis. Clinical Psychological Science, 2(3), 249-257.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1177/2167702613498727
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Schaefer, S. M., Boylan, J. M., Van Reekum, C. M., Lapate, R. C., Norris, C. J., Ryff, C. D., & Davidson, R. J. (2013). Purpose in life predicts better emotional recovery from negative stimuli. PLoS ONE, 8(11), Article e80329.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0080329
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Schaefer, S. M., van Reekum, C. M., Lapate, R. C., Heller, A. S., Grupe, D. W., & Davidson, R. J. (2018). The temporal dynamics of emotional responding: Implications for well-being and health from the MIDUS neuroscience project. In C. D. Ryff & R. F. Krueger (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of integrative health science. New York: Oxford University Press.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190676384.001.0001

Schafer, M. H. (2009). Parental death and subjective age: Indelible imprints from early in the life course? Sociological Inquiry, 79(1), 75-97.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1111/j.1475-682X.2008.00270.x
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Schafer, M. H., & Andersson, M. A. (2020). Looking homeward with the life course: Early origins of adult dwelling satisfaction? Advances in Life Course Research, 44, Article 100328.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1016/j.alcr.2020.100328
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Schafer, M. H., & Shippee, T. P. (2010). Age identity, gender, and perceptions of decline: Does feeling older lead to pessimistic dispositions about cognitive aging? Journals of Gerontology. Series B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 65(1), 91-96.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1093/geronb/gbp046
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Schafer, M. H., & Upenieks, L. (2023). Do sexual expectations matter for older men and women? Anticipated sexual futures and late-life sexuality over two decades. The Gerontologist, 63(2), 240-250.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1093/geront/gnac071
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Schafer, M. H., & Upenieks, L. (2024). On religious ambiguity: Childhood family religiosity and adult flourishing in a twin sample. Social Science Research, 118, Article 102949.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1016/j.ssresearch.2023.102949
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Schafer, M. H., Ferraro, K. F., & Mustillo, S. A. (2011). Children of misfortune: Early adversity and cumulative inequality in perceived life trajectories. American Journal of Sociology, 116(4), 1053-1091.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1086/655760
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Schafer, M. H., Morton, P. M., & Ferraro, K. F. (2014). Child maltreatment and adult health in a national sample: Heterogeneous relational contexts, divergent effects? Child Abuse & Neglect, 38(3), 395-406.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1016/j.chiabu.2013.08.003
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Schafer, M. H., Wilkinson, L. R., & Ferraro, K. F. (2013). Childhood (mis)fortune, educational attainment, and adult health: Contingent benefits of a college degree? Social Forces, 91(3), 1007-1034.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1093/sf/sos192
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Schafer, M., & Shippee, T. (2010). Age identity in context: Stress and the Subjective side of aging. Social Psychology Quarterly, 73(3), 245-264.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1177/0190272510379751
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Schmidt, A. M., Jubran, M., Salivar, E. G., & Brochu, P. M. (2023). Couples losing kinship: A systematic review of weight stigma in romantic relationships. Journal of Social Issues, 79(1), 196-231.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1111/josi.12542
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Schneider, A. C., Moon, C., Whitaker, K. M., Zhang, D., Carr, L. J., Bao, W., & Xiao, Q. (2021). Cross-sectional and prospective associations between self-reported sleep characteristics and cognitive function in men and women: The Midlife in the United States study. Journal of Sleep Research, Article e13515.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1111/jsr.13515
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Schnittker, J. (2008). Happiness and success: Genes, families, and the psychological effects of socioeconomic position and social support. American Journal of Sociology, 114, S233.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1086/592424
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Schnittker, J. (2010). Gene-environment correlations in the stress-depression relationship. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 51(3), 229-243.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1177/0022146510378240
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Schnittker, J., & Behrman, J. R. (2012). Learning to do well or learning to do good? Estimating the effects of schooling on civic engagement, social cohesion, and labor market outcomes in the presence of endowments. Social Science Research, 41(2), 306-320.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1016/j.ssresearch.2011.11.010
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Schreiber, D. R., & Dautovich, N. D. (2017). Depressive symptoms and weight in midlife women: The role of stress eating and menopause status. Menopause, 24(10), 1190-1199.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1097/GME.0000000000000897
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Schrepf, A., Harper, D. E., Williams, D. A., Hassett, A. L., & Harte, S. E. (2016). Somatic awareness and tender points in a community sample. The Journal of Pain, 17(12), 1281-1290.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1016/j.jpain.2016.08.009
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Schrepf, A., Markon, K., & Lutgendorf, S. K. (2014). From childhood trauma to elevated C-reactive protein in adulthood: The role of anxiety and emotional eating. Psychosomatic Medicine, 76(5), 327-336.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1097/psy.0000000000000072
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Schuch, F. B., Stubbs, B., Meyer, J., Heissel, A., Zech, P., Vancampfort, D., Rosenbaum, S., Deenik, J., Firth, J., Ward, P. B., Carvalho, A. F., & Hiles, S. A. (2019). Physical activity protects from incident anxiety: A meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies. Depression and Anxiety, 36, 846-858.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1002/da.22915
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Schuurmans-Stekhoven, J. B. (2018). Conviction, character and coping: Religiosity and personality are both uniquely associated with optimism and positive reappraising. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 21(8), 763-779.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1080/13674676.2018.1542422
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Schuurmans-Stekhoven, J. B. (2019). Auspicious or suspicious- does religiosity really promote elder well-being? Examining the belief-as-benefit effect among older Japanese. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 81, 129-135.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1016/j.archger.2018.12.005
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Schwartz, J. A. (2017). Long-term physical health consequences of perceived inequality: Results from a twin comparison design. Social Science & Medicine, 187, 184-192.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1016/j.socscimed.2017.06.006
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Schwartz, J. A., & Portnoy, J. (2017). Lower catecholamine activity is associated with greater levels of anger in adults. nternational Journal of Psychophysiology, 120, 33-41.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2017.07.005
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Schwartz, J. A., Calvi, J. L., Allen, S. L., & Granger, D. A. (2023). Adrenocortical responses to daily stressors are calibrated by early life adversity: An investigation of the adaptive calibration model. Evolutionary Psychology, 21(4), 1-17.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1177/14747049231212357
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Schwartz, J. A., Jessick, S., Calvi, J. L., & Granger, D. A. (2019). Co-twin relationship quality as a moderator of genetic and environmental factors on urinary cortisol levels among adult twins. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 108, 118-126.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2019.06.002
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Schwartz, J. A., Rowland, M. W., & Beaver, K. M. (2014). A genetically informed test of cholesterol levels and self-control, depressive symptoms, antisocial behavior, and neuroticism. Journal of Affective Disorders, 164, 139-147.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1016/j.jad.2014.04.015
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