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Kim, Y.-K., Kramer, A., & Pak, S. (2021). Job insecurity and subjective sleep quality: The role of spillover and gender. Stress and Health, 37(1), 72-92.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1002/smi.2974
View publication in PDF format: Click here to view this publication.

Kimhy, D., Crowley, O. V., McKinley, P. S., Burg, M. M., Lachman, M. E., Tun, P. A., Ryff, C. D., Seeman, T. E., & Sloan, R. P. (2013). The association of cardiac vagal control and executive functioning- findings from the MIDUS study. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 47(5), 628-635.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1016/j.jpsychires.2013.01.018
View publication in PDF format: Click here to view this publication.

King, V. (2003). The influence of religion on fathers' relationships with their children. Journal of Marriage & the Family, 65(2), 382-395.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1111/j.1741-3737.2003.00382.x
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Kircher, J. A., Charles, S. T., Sin, N. L., & Almeida, D. M. (2023). Chronic pain and affective experiences associated with daily stressors and uplifts. International Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, 8, 485-500.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1007/s41042-023-00101-w
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Kirsch, J. A., & Ryff, C. D. (2018). The Great Recession, inequality, and health: An integrative approach. In C. D. Ryff & R. F. Krueger (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of integrative health science. New York: Oxford University Press.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190676384.001.0001

Kirsch, J. A., Coe, C., & Ryff, C. D. (2023). Racial and educational disparities in cumulative exposure to hardships of the 2008 Great Recession and inflammation. Psychosomatic Medicine, 85(8), 699-709.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1097/PSY.0000000000001233
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Kirsch, J. A., Love, G. D., Radler, B. T., & Ryff, C. D. (2019). Scientific imperatives vis-a-vis growing inequality in America. American Psychologist, 74(7), 764-777.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1037/amp0000481
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Kirsch, J., & Ryff, C. D. (2016). Hardships of the Great Recession and health: Understanding varities of vulnerability. Health Psychology Open, 3(1), Article 2055102916652390.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1177/2055102916652390
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Kirzinger, A. E., Weber, C., & Johnson, M. (2010). Genetic and environmental influences on media use and communication behaviors. Human Communication Research, 38(2), 144-171.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1111/j.1468-2958.2011.01424.x
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Kitayama, S., & Park, J. (2017). Emotion and biological health: The socio-cultural moderation. Current Opinion in Psychology, 17, 99-105.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1016/j.copsyc.2017.06.016
View publication in PDF format: Click here to view this publication.

Kitayama, S., & Park, J. (2021). Is conscientiousness always associated with better health? A US - Japan cross-cultural examination of biological health risk. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 47(3), 486-498.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1177/0146167220929824
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Kitayama, S., Berg, M. K., & Chopik, W. J. (2020). Culture and well-being in late adulthood: Theory and evidence. American Psychologist, 75(4), 567-576.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1037/amp0000614
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Kitayama, S., Karasawa, M., Curhan, K. B., Ryff, C. D., & Markus, H. R. (2010). Independence and interdependence predict health and wellbeing: Divergent patterns in the United States and Japan. Frontiers in Psychology, 1(Article 163), 1-10.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.3389/fpsyg.2010.00163
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Kitayama, S., Park, J., Boylan, J., Miyamoto, Y., Levine, C., Markus, H. R., Karasawa, M., Coe, C., Kawakami, N., Love, G., & Ryff, C. (2015). Expression of anger and ill health in two cultures: An examination of inflammation and cardiovascular risk Psychological Science, 26(2), 211-220.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1177/0956797614561268
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Kitayama, S., Park, J., Miyamoto, Y., Date, H., Boylan, J. M., Markus, H. R., Karasawa, M., Kawakami, N., Coe, C. L., Love, G. D., & Ryff, C. D. (2018). Behavioral adjustment moderates the link between neuroticism and biological health risk: A U.S.-Japan comparison study. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 44(6), 809-822.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1177/0146167217748603
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Kivimaki, M., Kuosma, E., Ferrie, J. E., Luukkonen, R., Nyberg, S. T., Alfredsson, L., . . . Jokela, M. (2017). Overweight, obesity, and risk of cardiometabolic multimorbidity: Pooled analysis of individual-level data for 120,813 adults from 16 cohort studies from the USA and Europe. Lancet Public Health, 2(6), e277-e285.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1016/S2468-2667(17)30074-9
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Kivimaki, M., Virtanen, M., Kawachi, I., Nyberg, S. T., Alfredsson, L., Batty, G. D., Bjorner, J. B., Borritz, M., Brunner, E. J., Burr, H., Dragano, N., Ferrie, J. E., Fransson, E. I., Hamer, M., Heikkila, K., Knutsson, A., Koskenvuo, M., Madsen, I. E. H (2015). Long working hours, socioeconomic status, and the risk of incident type 2 diabetes: A meta-analysis of published and unpublished data from 222120 individuals. The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, 3(1), 27-34.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1016/S2213-8587(14)70178-0
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Klaiber, P., Hill, P. L., Almeida, D. M., DeLongis, A., & Sin, N. L. (2024). Positive event diversity: Relationship with personality and well-being. Journal of Personality. Advance online publication.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1111/jopy.12917
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Klaiber, P., Wen, J. H., Ong, A. D., Almeida, D. M., & Sin, N. L. (2022). Personality differences in the occurrence and affective correlates of daily positive events. Journal of Personality, 90(3), 441-456.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1111/jopy.12676
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Kmec, J. A. (2011). Are motherhood penalties and fatherhood bonuses warranted? Comparing pro-work behaviors and conditions of mothers, fathers, and non-parents. Social Science Research, 40(2), 444-459.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1016/j.ssresearch.2010.11.006
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Kmec, J. A., O'Connor, L. T., & Schieman, S. (2014). Not ideal: The association between working anything but full time and perceived unfair treatment. Work & Occupations, 41(1), 63-85.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1177/0730888413515691
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Knight, E. L., Giuliano, R. J., Shank, S. W., Clarke, M. M., & Almeida, D. M. (2020). Parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems interactively predict change in cognitive functioning in midlife adults. Psychophysiology, Article e13622.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1111/psyp.13622
View publication in PDF format: Click here to view this publication.

Knight, E. L., Jiang, Y., Rodriguez-Stanley, J., Almeida, D. M., Engeland, C. G., & Zilioli, S. (2021). Perceived stress is linked to heightened biomarkers of inflammation via diurnal cortisol in a national sample of adults. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 93, 206-213.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1016/j.bbi.2021.01.015
View publication in PDF format: Click here to view this publication.

Ko, S. B. (2013). Night shift work, sleep quality, and obesity. Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, 3(2), 110-116.
View publication in PDF format: Click here to view this publication.

Koenig, H. G. (2024). A response to the Paal et al. Rejoinder: Religiosity and risk of Parkinson's disease in England and the USA. Journal of Religion and Health, 62(6), 4215-4221.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1007/s10943-022-01734-y
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Koffer, R. E., Ram, N., & Almeida, D. M. (2018). More than counting: An intraindividual variability approach to categorical repeated measures. Journals of Gerontology. Series B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 73(1), 87-99.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1093/geronb/gbx086
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Koffer, R. E., Ram, N., Conroy, D. E., Pincus, A. L., & Almeida, D. M. (2016). Stressor diversity: Introduction and empirical integration into the daily stress model. Psychology and Aging, 31(4), 301-320.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1037/pag0000095
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Koltai, J., & Stuckler, D. (2020). Recession hardships, personal control, and the amplification of psychological distress: Differential responses to cumulative stress exposure during the U.S. Great Recession. SSM - Population Health, 10, Article 100521.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1016/j.ssmph.2019.100521
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Kong, J. (2018). Effect of caring for an abusive parent on mental health: The mediating role of self-esteem. The Gerontologist, 58(3), 456-466.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1093/geront/gnx053
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Kong, J., & Moorman, S. M. (2016). History of childhood abuse and intergenerational support to mothers in adulthood. Journal of Marriage and Family, 78(4), 926-938.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1111/jomf.12285
View publication in PDF format: Click here to view this publication.

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