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Johnson, W., & Krueger, R.F. (2007). The psychological benefits of vigorous exercise: A study of discordant MZ twin pairs. Twin Research & Human Genetics, 10(2), 275-283.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1375/twin.10.2.275
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Jokela, M. (2009). Personality predicts migration within and between U.S. states. Journal of Research in Personality (43), 79-83.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1016/j-jrp.2008.09.005
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Jokela, M. (2012). Birth-cohort Effects in the association between personality and fertility. Psychological Science, 23(8), 835-841.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1177/0956797612439067
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Jokela, M. (2018). Personality as a determinant of health behaviors and chronic diseases: Review of meta-analytic evidence. In C. D. Ryff & R. F. Krueger (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of integrative health science. New York: Oxford University Press.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190676384.001.0001

Jokela, M. (2022). Religiosity, psychological distress, and well-being: Evaluating familial confounding with multicohort sibling data. American Journal of Epidemiology, 191(4), 584-590.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1093/aje/kwab276
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Jokela, M. (2022). Why is cognitive ability associated with psychological distress and wellbeing? Exploring psychological, biological, and social mechanisms. Personality and Individual Differences, 192, Article 111592 .
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1016/j.paid.2022.111592
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Jokela, M., & Fuller-Rowell, T. E. (2022). Changing associations between socioeconomic status and self-reported discrimination from the 1990s to the 2010s in the United States. International Journal of Psychology, 57(6), 760-765.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1002/ijop.12853
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Jokela, M., Airaksinen, J., Kivimaki, M., & Hakulinen, C. (2018). Is within-individual variation in personality traits associated with changes in health behaviours? Analysis of seven longitudinal cohort studies. European Journal of Personality, 32(6), 642-652.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1002/per.2173
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Jokela, M., Airaksinen, J., Virtanen, M., Batty, G. D., Kivimaki, M., & Hakulinen, C. (2020). Personality, disability-free life years, and life expectancy: Individual participant meta-analysis of 131,195 individuals from 10 cohort studies. Journal of Personality, 88(3), 596-605.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1111/jopy.12513
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Jokela, M., Alvergne, A., Pollet, T. V., & Lummaa, V. (2011). Reproductive behavior and personality traits of the five factor model. European Journal of Personality, 25(6), 487-500.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1002/per.822
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Jokela, M., Batty, G. D., Nyberg, S. T., Virtanen, M., Nabi, H., Singh-Manoux, A., & Kivimaki, M. (2013). Personality and all-cause mortality: Individual-participant meta-analysis of 3,947 deaths in 76,150 adults. American Journal of Epidemiology, 178(5), 667-675.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1093/aje/kwt170
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Jokela, M., Berg, V., Silventoinen, K., Batty, G. D., Singh-Manoux, A., Kaprio, J., Davey Smith, G., & Kivimaki, M. (2016). Body mass index and depressive symptoms: Testing for adverse and protective associations in two twin cohort studies. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 19(4), 306-311.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1017/thg.2016.14
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Jokela, M., Elovainio, M., Nyberg, S. T., Tabak, A. G., Hintsa, T., Batty, G. D., & Kivimaki, M. (2014). Personality and risk of diabetes in adults: Pooled analysis of 5 cohort studies. Health Psychology. Advance online publication.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1037/hea0000003
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Jokela, M., Hakulinen, C., Singh-Manoux, A., & Kivimaki, M. (2014). Personality change associated with chronic diseases: Pooled analysis of four prospective cohort studies. Psychological Medicine, 44(12), 2629-2640.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1017/S0033291714000257
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Jones, D. R., & Graham-Engeland, J. E. (2021). Positive affect and peripheral inflammatory markers among adults: A narrative review. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 123, Article 104892.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2020.104892
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Joo, S., Chai, H. W., Jun, H. J., & Almeida, D. M. (2020). Daily stressors facilitate giving and receiving of emotional support in adulthood. Stress Health, 36(3), 330-337.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1002/smi.2927
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Joshanloo, M. (2023). Personality traits and psychological well-being as moderators of the relationship between stressors and negative affect: A daily diary study. Current Psychology, 42, 15647-15657.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1007/s12144-022-02842-4
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Joshanloo, M. (2023). Within-person associations between subjective well-being and Big Five personality traits. Journal of Happiness Studies, 24, 2111-2126.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1007/s10902-023-00673-z
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Joshanloo, M. (2016). Revisiting the empirical distinction between hedonic and eudaimonic aspects of well-being using exploratory structural equation modeling. Journal of Happiness Studies, 17(5), 2023-2036.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1007/s10902-015-9683-z
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Joshanloo, M. (2017). Factor structure and criterion validity of original and short versions of the negative and positive affect scale (NAPAS). Personality and Individual Differences, 105, 233-237.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1016/j.paid.2016.09.060
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Joshanloo, M. (2018). Evaluating the factor structure of the MIDI personality scale using exploratory structural equation modeling. Japanese Psychological Research, 60(3), 162-169.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1111/jpr.12186
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Joshanloo, M. (2019). Investigating the relationships between subjective well-being and psychological well-being over two decades. Emotion, 19(1), 183-187.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1037/emo0000414
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Joshanloo, M. (2018). Longitudinal associations between subjective and psychological well-being in Japan: A four-year cross-lagged panel study. Personality and Individual Differences, 134, 289-292.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1016/j.paid.2018.06.033
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Joshanloo, M. (2019). Structural and discriminant validity of the tripartite model of mental well-being: Differential relationships with the big five traits Journal of Mental Health, 28(2), 168-174.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1080/09638237.2017.1370633
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Joshanloo, M. (2021). Within-person relationship between religiosity and life satisfaction: A 20-year study. Personality and Individual Differences, 179, Article 110933.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1016/j.paid.2021.110933
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Joshanloo, M. (2021). Centrality and dimensionality of 14 indicators of mental well-being in four countries: Developing an integrative framework to guide theorizing and measurement. Social Indicators Research, 158, 727-750.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1007/s11205-021-02723-6
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Joshanloo, M. (2022). Relationships between present/future orientation and life satisfaction over two decades. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 32(4), 744-754.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1002/casp.2589
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Joshanloo, M. (2022). The temporal relationship between self-acceptance and generativity over two decades. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 41(3), 842-846.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1177/07334648211061476
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Joshanloo, M. (2022). Longitudinal relationships between personality traits and social well-being: A two-decade study. Journal of Happiness Studies, 23, 2969-2983.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1007/s10902-022-00534-1
View publication in PDF format: Click here to view this publication.

Joshanloo, M. (2023). Within-person associations between Big Five traits and religiosity. Personality and Individual Differences, 200, Article 111912.
View publication via DOI: DOI:10.1016/j.paid.2022.111912
View publication in PDF format: Click here to view this publication.

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