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Featured Publications  Mukherjee, D., ... , 2023, Daily affective dynamics in major depressive disorder: The role of daily stressors and positive events., Affect Sci

 Ryff, C. ... , 2023, In pursuit of eudaimonia: Past advances and future directions., 

 Keogh, T. ... , 2023, Behavioural clusters characteristic of cardiovascular reactivity profiles relate to poorer health outcomes., Br J Health Psychol

 Rudaz, M., ... , 2024, Role of work-to-family spillover, generative concern, and gender on subjective well-being in full-time working adults., 

 Sutton, ... , 2024, Changing ourselves: How does personality change relate to well-being and authenticity?, J Individ Differ

 Wege, N., ... , 2024, Prospective association of high effort and low reward imbalance at work with risk of diabetes: A cohort study in US workers., Int J Behav Med

 Alwadeai, K. ... , 2023, Asthma and its relationship with anthropometric markers among adults., PLoS ONE

 Atherton, O. ... , 2024, Longitudinal associations among the Big Five personality traits and healthcare utilization in the U.S., Soc Sci Med


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