In 2002, the National Institute on Aging awarded a grant to the Institute on Aging at the University of Wisconsin-Madison to carry out a longitudinal follow-up on all MIDUS 1 respondents. Data collection for MIDUS 2 was completed in 2009 and data is available through ICPSR. MIDUS 2 included five research projects, which covered the following topics:
- Project 1 provided follow-up on the psychosocial, sociodemographic, and health variables assessed in MIDUS 1
- Project 2 provided follow-up on the daily diary study included in MIDUS 1
- Project 3 included new cognitive assessments for the full MIDUS sample, plus longitudinal follow-up for the cognitive subsample from MIDUS 1
- Project 4 included comprehensive biomarker assessments on a subsample of MIDUS respondents, collected at one of three General Clinical Research Centers around the country
- Project 5 included neuroscience assessments on a subsample of respondents in the biomarker study